
Experience an Italian Summer

by indulging in Pasta and Pizza

Italian Pasta & Pizza Series

The Italian Pasta & Pizza Series is the first series of three series inspired by my trip to Italy this past June. My time in Italy with my family was such a special time and my family and I hold so many beautiful memories around such an amazing trip. Italy has completely captured my heart; everything from the people, the landscape and of course the food is more than I could have hoped.  
With this series I hope to share the beauty of those small special moments as that often go unnoticed, such as sharing a meal with your loved ones while traveling. There is something so special about sitting around a table trying new foods for the first time and sharing it with the people around you. It’s those little moments in life that often are the ones you remember forever. I hope to share my special moments around the dinner table while our time in Italy and hopefully bring you great memories of your special trips/meals with your loved ones. 


Laura Brown